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How to Use Arnica Homeopathic

What is Arnica?

Arnica montana, or Arnica for short, is a homeopathic medicine commonly recommended for injuries such as bruises, sprains, and strains. Arnica is a plant also known as mountain tobacco, leopard’s bane, and wolf’s bane.

Bright yellow wildflowers in a grassy meadow with a few purple blooms. A fallen log in the background. Sunny and vibrant setting.
Arnica's flowers are small and golden yellow.

Homeopathic Arnica is prepared from the yellow flowers of the plant. It is one of the most frequently prescribed homeopathic medicines, but it is also commonly misused.

Like all homeopathic medicines, the proper use of Arnica depends on both your physical and mental symptoms, and the dose you take.

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic medicines are ultradilute substances that have been in use for over 200 years. They are widely used in Europe but are increasing in popularity in the US. They're safe and effective for a variety of illnesses when used under the supervision of a professional.

Most of the research about homeopathic medicines is flawed because the studies ignore the most basic premise of homeopathy: appropriate study and use of homeopathic medicines requires a thorough 1-on-1 interview between a patient and naturopathic doctor (or other trained homeopath) before a medicine can be prescribed.

Most studies do not include this crucial interview process, but rather give each medicine to study participants who each have the same illness. For example, giving a high dose of Arnica to everyone who has a headache or a bruise would inevitably show that Arnica is ineffective for headaches.

However, if a thorough interview shows the defining symptoms and characteristics that indicate the need for Arnica, then the chance of treatment success is significantly higher.

The defining characteristics of Arnica include injuries caused by some type of blunt force trauma, but also include important details such as the individual’s personality, body temperature, and other symptoms.

These details cannot be overlooked, as homeopathic medicines require a holistic evaluation of the whole person in order for them to be effective.

What is Arnica Montana Used For?

The most important defining characteristics that indicate the need for Arnica are as follows:

  • Musculoskeletal issues, especially from BLUNT FORCE trauma

  • Areas that are bruised due to the trauma

  • The affected area feels oversensitive and touchy

  • The pain is worse at night and with touch

  • Pain feels sore and achy, as if someone beat the affected area

  • The injured person may feel dismissive about the injury, as if they don't need help

Most of these key symptoms must be present, and the mechanism of injury is very important. With Arnica, the mechanism must have been a blunt force trauma. This is why it is often given after surgeries, such as when a tube is put into the throat. The blunt tube injures the throat tissue, causing soreness.

Close-up of a bruise on skin, with a finger gently pressing it. The bruise is dark purple with blurred edges, showing minor swelling.
Bruises that occur following sports injuries are usually a good time to try arnica.

Another good example might be a boxer who has lots of muscle pain and bruising from frequent matches. Or a weight lifter who continually feels his or her muscles are sprained and strained.

People who tend to overwork physically, which leads them to feel dull muscular or joint pains, usually benefit from arnica.

There are other defining characteristics as well, but these are some of the most important ones.

How Do You Use Arnica?

Arnica is available in oral form as pellets or topical form as a cream or gel. Oral administration is usually given in higher doses after a thorough homeopathic interview, whereas the cream or gel are applied directly over the injured area.

Arnica cream may be helpful for both pain and bruising, and is usually made with lower doses of the plant. Homeopathic dosing is explained below. Remember that your best chance for success with homeopathics is to contact a professional.

Homeopathic Dosing

Diagram titled "How Remedies are Made - Potentizing," showing dilution of a green tincture into blue solutions labeled 1C to 4C, with text.
Homeopathic medicines are made through a series of careful dilution steps.

Homeopathic medicines come in various doses that you probably aren’t familiar with. These are seen on the label either as D, X, C, or M. For example, you might see Arnica 6X, 30C or 1M. Here is the order of dosing strength:

  • M > C > D/X

In summary, M is the strongest and C is in between. D and X are the same dose and are the weakest preparations. Usually for Arnica cream, you'll find C and X potencies.

Which Dose Should You Use?

Generally, you should use Arnica cream in X doses, like 1X, 3X, or 6X if you’re using it for bruising, sprains, or soreness. Most topical preparations come in this dose, so you don't have to really be concerned about finding the right dose.

Keep in mind that homeopathic medicines aren’t used the same way as drugs, and stronger doses do not always produce stronger effects.

Arnica cream
Boiron makes Arnica cream and other great over-the-counter homeopathy products!

Topical preparations of Arnica are applied over the affected area several times per day until the bruising and pain resolve. Generally, if you're not noticing improvements within 3-5 days, it's probably not doing much. Homeopathic medicines generally work rapidly when the right one is being used.

Curious about what else homeopathy can do?

While homeopathics can be highly effective, it can be tricky to know how to use them. If you're curious about what homeopathics can do, I'd recommend buying books and spending some time studying their history and some of the theory behind their use.

For example, homeopathic medicines can improve your psychology. This is primarily how I use them, typically in very high dose likes 1M or 10M, in which they can act deeply. Knowing how to use them for psychological purposes is something you can learn from a homeopathic mentor or course.

Working with a naturopathic doctor or other licensed physician who utilizes homeopathy can be a good start to see what they can do and whether or not they're a good choice for you! You're welcome to contact me if you'd like to know more about homeopathics!

(959) 333-9128

Hamden, CT

© 2020 by Dr. Pistoia, PLLC

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